How To Build a Successful Music Career

Even if You’re Broke,  Just Getting Started

or Totally Unknown”

Dear Musician,

If you want to have a full-time professional music career, this could be the most valuable book you will ever read. 

What You Will Get

This isn’t like any book you’ve ever read about music career tactics.

It has no fluff or trendy advice on how to be discovered and become a star.

Instead, it is full of life-tested strategies that can teach you how to build a meaningful and sustainable music career.

Most importantly, it is easy to read and understand.

Cover page for Musician Ignition - How To Create Blueprints For A Successful Music Career. © Paul Babelay, 2018. Vibe Guy Music, LLC.

It’s So Much More Than Just Playing Music.

You can use the steps I share in this book to accomplish almost anything in the music world.

I built this system on my 25+ years experience as a full-time musician and used it to launch many new directions as well, including:

  • Music Publishing
  • Songwriting
  • Production and
  • Performing.

Like I said, there is more to this than just playing music. Here’s a sample of what you’ll be getting:


The #1 Secret that all successful musicians have discovered.

It’s so simple you may not believe it. (Page 13)


How to get the gig you want – even if you're an unknown.

These 4 disciplines are the key to Getting & Keeping the gig. (Page 16)


Learn what professional bands/production teams look for.

You’ll see why it is not the prodigy or virtuoso musician. (Page 16)


TODAY: Ask the 3 Magic Questions that unlock your music career.

There are 1000’s of questions – but you only need 3. (Page 35)


Define your musical “sweet spot. ”

It has nothing to do with money or fame. (Page 59)


Social media burnout? Take a break.

Here’s a better approach. See all the angles with this game-changing technique. (Page 61)


Imagine being so confident that you never again ask - "Am I good enough?"

The rock-solid tactic to eliminate that fear forever. (Page 27)


Don't waste precious time. Max your strengths and fix your weaknesses.

A simple map to put your energy where it matters most. (Page 39)


Define your most powerful quality.

Everything you do should be built around this one thing. (Page 57)


The small but dynamic word you must use to accomplish your dreams.

Failure to use it can have devastating results. (Page 8)


The greatest challenge you will face as a professional musician.

It’s the only reason music schools stay in business. (Page 6)


Are you a musical snob?

This career-killer can be remedied to become a student/maestro of any musical genre. (Page 26)


Defeat the two biggest lies that cause musicians to fail.

Slay these dragons once and for all. (Page 27)


Why your goals are reached in clearly-defined steps.

The journey itself is how to become the best musician you can be. (Page 54)

An education is better than a degree!

I have a Master’s Degree from one of the most respected music schools in the world. But my most valuable skills and tools didn’t cost a penny.


Take a lesson from jazz icon, Charlie Parker.

Let your biggest failures transform you into greatness. (Page 64)


You need career Blueprints.

No matter what you want to do with music, you need a checklist for success. (Page 70)


Watch an aspiring singer launch her career.

If she can build her own unique blueprints to success, you can do it too! (Page 67)


It's Time!

Don’t delay. Don’t put it off and wait for the perfect situation. You’re ready to launch your music career today!

That’s a lot of valuable experience to help you get started. And it’s really just the beginning.

You’ll also be learning…

A High-Performance Cloning System


By the end, you’ll know how to use the same technique that scientists, engineers and yes – successful musicians have used for years.

With this knowledge, you can design your music career with precision and accuracy instead of guessing and hoping.

This technique alone could be the most valuable tool in your musicpreneur toolbox.


Designed For Musicians That Are Tired Of Swirling Around In Confusion


If you’re tired of the same old internet hype:

  • How to get a record deal
  • How to become a mega-hit producer
  • How to go viral and be famous

You’re not alone. I hate it.

After a lifetime in music, I can tell you that most of it doesn’t work. You are better off doing nothing than following bad advice.

That’s why I wrote this book – so emerging musicians like you, can learn the truth about what it takes to build a successful music career.

Using my book, Musician Ignition, two things will happen.

First, you will begin to believe you really can succeed in music.

No matter where you are in the journey or how many mistakes you’ve made before today. Your past does not limit your future.

The second thing that will happen is this:


You’ll Know How To Go From Music Hobby to Music Career


And you’ll make the transition without permission or grief from anyone.

Now, you don’t have to convince anybody, borrow money, go back to school, quit your day job or divorce your spouse. Instead, you will quietly get busy with the necessary steps.

That’s because you will have a system that depends on just one person. YOU.

That’s right. You will not have to rely on outside resources, friends, school or the stars to align properly in order to succeed.


This Is What To Do Next


The cost of the book is $17.00 and it will arrive quickly in your inbox.

When you place your order on our 100% secure SSL encrypted website, you will get an automated receipt and a link to download your purchase.

No drive to the store. No shipping cost. No wait.

And if you’re wondering if there’s more to buy..


There Is Nothing More To Buy


There is no “catch” and the book is complete.

As you know, some books, courses or websites offer a great deal up front but then you have to enroll in a very expensive program to get the “real” stuff.

Not Here.

However, as part of this introductory offer, I do offer a Bonus Pack (for an additional $10.00), to introduce myself and make a great first impression with you.

My hope is that you will love it and be motivated to take action you’ve been delaying for years – and look to me as a trusted resource.

But having said all that, there is something you should know:

Image of Musician Ignition and 4 other books bundled  in a discount price

This Bonus Pack WILL Go Away


My advertising costs alone are almost more than the cost of the book. Plus, when you add the credit card processing fee, the website expense, the banking fees – it gets expensive.

So why am I doing this?

That’s easy. I’m making this introductory offer with the belief that you are going to love it and want to try more of my products.

My company, Vibe Guy Music, exists to help emerging musicians build a music career. We create great resources to help you become a valuable, savvy and marketable musician.

I hope you enjoy this so much, you’ll want to buy more from me in the future.

So, this value-loaded Bonus Pack is a limited time offer. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

The Bonus Pack…

Musician Ignition

Musicpreneur Toolkit

Image of Musicpreneur Toolkit cover page

20 Rules

How To Practice

Career Mistakes

The Best Money-Back Guarantee Ever

If, at any time during the first 60 days, you are not 100% satisfied with Musician Ignition, and/or the Bonus Pack, I will return your money – No Questions Asked!


60 Day, 100% Rock Solid Guarantee

Just contact our support team and we will give you back your money without any hassle – no questions asked.

Like I said, it’s the best guarantee you’ve ever had. No risk. Nothing to lose and everything to gain.

This Is A Limited Time Offer

Thank you for reading this letter and I look forward to hearing how Musician Ignition has helped you!

Paul Babelay

P.S. If you’re like me and skipped to the bottom line, here’s my offer:

I’m providing you with a book that will teach you how to connect the dots and build a solid blueprint to the music career you want – even if money is tight, you are just getting started and nobody knows you.

The book is $17.00

You will use the same system that thousands of successful musicians have used to build a rewarding and sustainable music career. It isn’t based on trendy buzzwords and fads, only what you need to do and when to do it.

It isn’t expensive, will not demand you quit your job, or create unreasonable demands on your current lifestyle. Most importantly, it is built around your unique skills and vision.

On top of all that, for a limited time I am also offering a BONUS PACK (for an additional $10.00) to help you launch.


This is a limited offer for three reasons:

  1. It is a marketing test.
  2. It is an introductory product from Vibe Guy Music, LLC.
  3. I believe you will love it and become a customer in the future.

There is no trick or “catch” to my offer. There is no trial or monthly fee.

Plus, You get Instant Access To Everything in Minutes

And don’t forget your money-back guarantee.

  • I offer the best guarantee you’ve ever seen. 
  • Vibe Guy Music will refund your money for 60 days after your purchase.
  • You can still keep Musician Ignition and the additional bonus package.
  • You don’t even need to send them back.
  • No Risk. Nothing to lose. Everything to gain.

Click here to order your copy of Musician Ignition. You won’t regret it – guaranteed.

FREE Music Career Workshop

This 40-minute video lesson is a great introduction to preparing for a full-time career in music. The concepts are practical and you can start today.